What's Kali Silat Evolution
Kali Silat Evolution (KSE) is a modern & dynamic martial art that fuses Southeast Asian martial arts and Western martial arts.
It combines concepts, methods and techniques from FMA (Filipino Martial Arts), Pencak Silat, Muay Boran as well as western boxing and French Savate.
KSE originated from Kali Sikaran and, like most Southeast Asian martial arts, includes various weapons, but trains unarmed combat to the same extent.
What distinguishes KSE from other Filipino martial arts?
KSE places a strong focus on unarmed techniques in order to adapt it to the circumstances of today. At the same time, the practioners are given a basis to react flexibly to unknown situations and to create their own path through the martial arts. Or as the founder of KSE Jeff Espinous says:
I truly believe that KSE should enable my students to create on their own, to define their own… Martial Arts should help us to find our ability to adapt to any given situation. Find our way to survive in any situation… KSE more than techniques… It’s a state of mind…
Annika Junger | Kadua Guro Kali Silat Evolution |
Panuntukan (PIA) Associate Instructor: Guro Isa | |
Filipino Fighting Arts Apprentice Instructor | |
Filipino Fighting Arts Level 3 |
KSE consists of various subsystems, which are interwoven with each other and mean that any training in one area improves the other areas.
- Filipino and western boxing & kickboxing
- Stick fighting (with one and two sticks)
- Knife fighting
- Sword & knife ('Espada y daga')
- Kadena de Mano (application of weapon techniques without weapons)
- Indonesian Silat
KSE is suitable for everyone, whether with or without previous martial arts experience. But as it tries to enable the practioners to follow an individual path, it is ideally suited as a supplement for experienced martial artists who want to broaden their horizons.
KSE is suitable for everyone, whether with or without previous martial arts experience. But due to its claim to enable the trainee to follow an individual path, it is ideally suited as a supplement for experienced martial artists who want to broaden their horizons.
In the basement of the sport building of the Gottlieb-Daimler-Gymnasium.